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All photos, logos and texts on these pages are the property of ACTIV Project Management GmbH and its partners. The reproduction and/or redistribution of the content provided here in any form whatsoever requires written permission.
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ACTIV Project Management GmbH
Liebenauer Hauptstr. 34 A-8041 Graz
Tel.: +43 316 475 315
Fax: +43 316 475 315 – 34
KR Benjamin Wakounig, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
VAT ID: ATU28785204
Company number: FN39304a
Commercial register court: Regional court for ZRS Graz
Bank details:
UniCredit Bank Austria AG
IBAN: AT59 1100 0088 2596 0100
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City of Graz
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Styrian Chamber of Commerce
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© Copyright 2018 – ACTIV Project Management GmbH
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Concept, design and implementation:
Wedesignstuff TM,
Photo credits:
Sami Rahim,
© Mitsubishi Power Europe GmbH (MPWE):
• Home/A selection of our projects: The photo at the TENT Obrenovac A power plant in Serbia: Upgrading of mills and NOx modification
• Energy solutions: The banner and gallery at the presentation of MPWE.
• News: The image for the news of 16.10.2017: MPW Europe customer day a complete success.
© Rosink-Werkstätten GmbH:
• Energy solutions: The gallery at the presentation of Rosink-Werkstätten GmbH.
© Elektroprivreda Srbije, Ogranak TENT Belgrade – Obrenovac:
• Home/A selection of our projects: The image at the TENT power plant Obrenovac, Serbia: Flue gas desulphurisation (FGD)
• References/power plants, Serbia: The image at the “Nikola Tesla A” power plant Obrenovac.
© Javno podjetje Energetika Ljubljana d.o.o.:
• References/power plants, Slovenia: The image at the Toplarna combined heat and power plant.
The text agency, Mag.(FH) Anita Hirschenberger,
The implementation of this website was co-financed with funds from the WKO Styria.