Network expansion in Kosovo
According to the Austrian Economic Chambers (WKO), economic growth in Kosovo is estimated at 4.0% in 2019 and 4.5% in 2020. Growth sectors continue to be construction and services, banks, insurance, mobile telephony and ICT. Market opportunities for Austrian companies exist primarily in the areas of transport infrastructure, environmental technology, energy, agriculture and IT.
On 09 – 11 October 2019 the Economic Mission “Business Opportunities Kosovo” took place in Priština (Kosovo). The event was organized by the Economic Chamber of Carinthia (WKK) in cooperation with the Slovenian Business Association (SGZ). The delegation led by the WKK President Jürgen Mandl and the SGZ President KommR. Benjamin Wakounig was received among others by the President of the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce Berat Rukiqi. In addition, company presentations and B2B discussions with local companies were held.
By participating in the economic mission, ACTIV was able to expand its network and pursue goals such as raising awareness and accelerating activities on the Kosovar market.